Asst. Prof. Nihal Terzi Çizmecioğlu won BAGEP 2024 award!

2024 BAGEP

Asst. Prof. Nihal Terzi Çizmecioğlu gave a speech at TedX event!

In this talk, Nihal Terzi focuses on the differentiation potential of embryonic stem cells, emphasizing their critical role in modern medicine. She discusses their current therapeutic applications and highlights the promising future of stem cells in medicine. 

Click the link for the TEDx talk:


Asst. Prof. Nihal Terzi Çizmecioğlu is on the cover of Marie Claire!

The four scientists who won the "For Women in Science" program, launched in collaboration with L'Oréal and UNESCO — Dr. Nihal Terzi Çizmecioğlu, Assoc. Prof. Saniye Söylemez, Dr. Gülcihan Gülseren, and Dr. Eda Aydoğan Güngör — are featured on the cover of Marie Claire's November issue with their inspiring stories!

 Marie Claire

Asst. Prof. Nihal Terzi Çizmecioğlu was awarded with a project in For Women in Science 2021 event!

L'Oréal Turkey and UNESCO announced the women scientists of 2021.

The winners of the 2021 edition of the "For Women in Science" program, implemented in collaboration with the Turkish National Commission for UNESCO to support women's contributions to science and highlight gender equality in science, have been announced. Each of the four Turkish women scientists honored this year received a grant to use in their scientific research and to develop their studies further.

These young and talented Turkish women scientists, who are paving the way for science with their comprehensive and innovative projects and inspiring work, presented their projects at a launch event attended by Sinem Sandıkçı Gökçen, General Manager of L'Oréal Turkey, Prof. Dr. Öcal Oğuz, President of the Turkish National Commission for UNESCO, and writer and actress Gülse Birsel.


L'oreal Turkey

Last Updated:
21/11/2024 - 16:58